Saturday, September 25, 2010

the black cat and Poe

yea, i  know it is cheesy to do my own story, but i felt like crap, after i failed or near failed my own story. i went back and picked it. It is now one of my favorite stories for the simple fact, you can infer so much out of it I believe it was his deepest stories, littered with all kinds of discussions waiting to happen or hell, it could mean nothing and i"m obsessing over an ant hill. winch has me going back and reading more poe.. Poe, generally had a a sucky life and after his wife dying, i believe a lot more shone through. His only story published before his wife's passing was the raven, dark but no where near as dark as thing to come. I think, Poe was a scared and fearful man. I'm not trying to pick my mind or emo this up, but i to sometimes get over whelmed with what if and the darker side of life, I love dark, horror and think nothing of saying off-colored jokes about death and suffering and  Poe did the same but through his writing( not poked fun at it, but  death over shadowed it) As with me, it;s so easy to dwell on it, it can consume you. the thought of losing your loved one or spouse, sometimes it is easier to poke fun, and  borderline it so one is not to think of it. Though Poe didn't take all of his stories and whine about his wife, but he choose dark stuff in general. I am in no mean comparing myself to the master himself, but as in mind-screwing Poe, i unscrewed something in me i didn't find till now, oh God where is the Jager in this biatch


  1. I am amazed at how much I am drawn to stories like Poe's. I LOVE stories like DRACULA or stories about serial killers. I will do lots of research on serial killers, especially when I hear about a "new" one (one I've never heard of before). I know it's husband teases me sometimes about being a "closet" serial killer because I'm so fascinated with serial killers, but....oh well! The fact is that stories like that DO make great and interesting ones to read.....

  2. I am doing my final paper on Poe and he is a very interesting man. So much happened in his life.

  3. Poe is amazing. Especially for his time. I mean, can you think of what people actually did in the 1800s? Their lives must have been so boring, but at least they had Poe.
