Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I believe blogs are really made to subject people who have opinions that not alot a people care about/. So I guess the people that read them are the really board ones.. It is about like looking at causul encounters on craigslist to see nudity, lol i have things I want to talk about as well that no one cares about; like today after class one of my orginal horror poster finally came i ordered on ebay.. also 113 studens i hope this works


  1. I kinda get what you mean about the blogging. Honestly if this wasn't required I wouldn't do it. I love writing in journals and stuff. But typing on a website just seems to take the magic and specialness out of it. Maybe its just me though.

  2. Regardless, I appreciate your doing it and giving it a chance. If you don't find it something you like, then the nice thing is that after this semester, you don't have to worry about it anymore!

    I, for one, find other people's comments very interesting. Sometimes we can say things in a Blog like this that we might not have had a chance to say in class....for whatever reason....!

  3. I kind of like blogging. I'm new at it, but its nice to keep all of your thoughts in one place. You're able to come back and reflect.
