Tuesday, November 30, 2010

my final paper

will be on connecting the stephen king universes together. I find it amazing how well he still knows his books to include in deph sub-points that you have to catch. It seems all his worlds surround the world of "the dark tower" and "the shining".

sweeney todd

the movie was pretty good. i loved all the literary deepness in it. After reading all the history i could find on it, i have began to appreciete it more.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

sweeney todd

well what can i say, Except JD is a genius. he can play all roles, though his role in secret window is the best. I liked this movie though i wish the songs were cut down more. A few would have been good.  I love dark comadies and this takes the cake

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pink Floyd-time

well my orginal artist of pick, before i cursed everyones ears with my "Devils" music.  I find it funny that Mrs. Watson didn't know a lot about pink Floyd. Actually now days i find myself listening to my parents generation of music(do not get me started on my Non-homosexual obsession with Alice Cooper and The Doors) and then asking them about and the either don't know the artist or only know their hit song. anyway Time is only of the greats by the Gods of psychedelic rock. I remeber my first illegal moments of my life, While The Wall was playing.. in a galaxy far far away, anyway I can sit here all day and chat on symbalisom and music. bottem line this is a peppy-sad truthfull song of life. No illusions but the realness of everyones reality. I would have love to see them tour, actually i would give up my 20 some concerts just to see them live.

"that" girls poem, the eminem song

sorry, have no clue on names, heck i only know mrs. Watsons last name. so no disrespect to ya. I really liked this song. I beleive she spoke on how alot of eminems songs are super deep and i believe it. I mean you have to weed through the funny ones and dig through the causs word, but at the bottem eminem, to me is considered one of the best poets of the 2000s. I am not a yo-you got bitches,moeny and ice kind of rap listener, but emimem has decent raps. Actually his first 3 cds are a staple in my car, or i should say i have a mix tape(do people still use that word) of the first 3 burnt in my car..

ps spelling sux, typeing on a ipod..

Thursday, September 30, 2010

the curse

why couldn't it been about werewolves, lol, I didn't mind the discussion but when i hear or read somthing like this it bothers me, as reflected in my "black cat" blog. We think it is awful but somehow can't put it down.. If you think this is creepy, there is another story that escapes me in this book that is 10x creepier, by Oates. In Mrs. Watson's comment to me on "black Cat" about researching serial killers, it goes to the same thing, i have (actually stairing at my book shelf now) 7 big books on serial killers and sickos, thats not counting my Manson collection. i think its funny, cause it is innocent and fascinating to us, but i get flack from my family all the time, they say i want to become a mind doctor so i can get around getting caught,  ohhh... the life, take care

Saturday, September 25, 2010

the black cat and Poe

yea, i  know it is cheesy to do my own story, but i felt like crap, after i failed or near failed my own story. i went back and picked it. It is now one of my favorite stories for the simple fact, you can infer so much out of it I believe it was his deepest stories, littered with all kinds of discussions waiting to happen or hell, it could mean nothing and i"m obsessing over an ant hill. winch has me going back and reading more poe.. Poe, generally had a a sucky life and after his wife dying, i believe a lot more shone through. His only story published before his wife's passing was the raven, dark but no where near as dark as thing to come. I think, Poe was a scared and fearful man. I'm not trying to pick my mind or emo this up, but i to sometimes get over whelmed with what if and the darker side of life, I love dark, horror and think nothing of saying off-colored jokes about death and suffering and  Poe did the same but through his writing( not poked fun at it, but  death over shadowed it) As with me, it;s so easy to dwell on it, it can consume you. the thought of losing your loved one or spouse, sometimes it is easier to poke fun, and  borderline it so one is not to think of it. Though Poe didn't take all of his stories and whine about his wife, but he choose dark stuff in general. I am in no mean comparing myself to the master himself, but as in mind-screwing Poe, i unscrewed something in me i didn't find till now, oh God where is the Jager in this biatch